Saturday, August 14, 2010

Myths and Convenient Lies

People tend to believe just about anything they've told, no matter how far off the wall the idea might be. There are two major aspects in the play here: a magic power of the mass media that gives any information the affirmation of its authenticity and a pandemic lack of a brain employment among the general population. Why would you bother to take a stand or to produce your own point of view, if a panel of some shady, but "highly qualified" senior analysts does it for you? All you need is to adopt it as your own idea and repeat it with convincing enthusiasm. I picture those brainwashed poor lost souls walking around like a zombies, with a vacant expression in their eyes, murmuring phrases, planted firmly in their heads: "Follow the Leader...", or "Save the planet...", such is the case here. They don't understand the real meaning, of course, being brainwashed and in the state of trance, but they're willing and ready follow any given commands to the letter.

Hard to believe? I know, but that's your naked truth in a nutshell. Take for instance "The Earth Hour". It all started in 2007, when a bunch of retarded Aussies in Sydney turned their lights off for one hour to make some kind of lame, ridiculous statement about the fictional issue - man-made climate change. Only a year later the Earth Hour had become a global conservation movement with more than 50 million mentally challenged people across 35 countries participating. They all swallowed the bait from a handful of evil tree huggers who lured them into believing a silly notion they can change the world with a single flip of the power switch. They want to save some electric power? Fine, but what exactly are they planning to do with it? Take it to the power bank and deposit it to their power saving accounts? Or perhaps to capture it in a glass jar and store it in a basement to use it later?

Another outrages lie the very same sly environmentalists are shamelessly spreading around is their wild theory about shortage of water on the earth. How dare they fabricate such demented stories? About 71 percent of Earth's surface is covered by water or ice and it is here to stay. That's right - it's not going anywhere. Surely, water evaporates from the planet surface, but certainly not to disappear and escape to some other dimension, but just to fall back onto the earth from the sky in form of rain, snow, hails - depending what mood the good old Mother Nature on that particular day might be. So, give me a break with a water conservation nonsense.This whole misleading campaign has been created with a sole purpose: to convert ordinary water into a high priced commodity and subsequently convince people to start buying THEIR bottled water.

Well, I have to admit, there are some unfortunate irregularities in rain distribution - some regions receive way too much of it, while other parts of the world suffer from the adverse effects of drought. But I'm quite sure, this task cannot be too difficult for our advanced 21. century technology to tackle. Its hardly any serious brain-teaser for all those brilliant scientist and engineers to build a bunch of salt water filtration plants and deliver the fresh drinking water wherever its needed. Reliable technology, such as the sea water conversion systems have been available for years.

It is rather amusing, that the same egomaniacs who came up with their silly "water shortage" theory fell into ridicule by simultaneously inventing a contradictory bogey man, speculating that the ice caps melting would consequently cause the world flood catastrophe. Really? Now, lets look at the scientific data. If all the ice at the North Pole melted, sea levels would not be affected, simply because the ice floats on the Arctic Ocean. If you missed your grade 5 science class on the Archimedes Principle, you can do a little experiment at home. Submerse a couple of ice cubes in the glass of water and wait till its all melted. You might be surprised, but the water level will stay unchanged. I know, there is the other Pole too, where the ice is not floating but rather sitting on land. But, the average surface temperature in Antarctica is minus 37°C right now, the ice is more than a mile thick and there is no danger of the ice melting any time soon (on contrary, the ice mass has been steadily increasing). And even if we experience some enormous changes in the weather patterns all over the planet, the ocean levels would be the last thing to worry about. Upon the International Panel on Climate Change request, the top scientists released their study, predicting that by the year 2100 sea level might increase by about six inches. So, I don't believe, there's any urgent need to start building your own Noah's Ark just yet.

And what about that the global warming and the carbon dioxide scare everyone's talking about these days? To borrow a phrase from the title of Martin Durkins remarkable and one of the most debated BBC documentary films - it's all the "Great Swindle". There is no proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity. Ice core records from the past 650,000 years show that temperature increases have preceded - not resulted from - increases in CO2 by hundreds of years, suggesting that the warming of the oceans is an important source of the rise in atmospheric CO2. As the dominant greenhouse gas, water vapor is far, far more important than CO2. And as for the climate change itself - it is a natural phenomenon as opposed to being man-made and since the cause of warming is mostly natural, then there is little we can do about it. We cannot control the inconstant sun, the likely origin of most climate variability. None of the schemes for greenhouse gas reduction currently bandied from mouth to mouth will do any good; they are all irrelevant, useless, and wildly expensive.

Not convinced yet and still thinking about saving the planet? Well, if that's the case, let me make one final note for you! The planet doesn't need your pathetic pleas and it couldn't care less about your pointless, inefficient effort to make some changes. The Earth is self sufficient entity with fully functional self preservation capacity and like it or not, it's existence is by no means dependent on us (or any other living form for that matter). We are just a visitors here and the planet will survive our temporary presence on its surface and it will continue floating in the space long time after we're all gone. So much for the Planet. No need to worry about it.

But if we were at least a wee bit concerned about all our cohabitants and their survival on the Earth, the best we could do for them would be to get out of here and make this planet 100% human-free. THAT would be by far the most unselfish and only effective, foolproof "green initiative" ever devised. Unfortunately though, I'm well aware, it's simply too much to ask, isn't it?
