Sunday, July 18, 2010

Calgary Stampede Massacre

Six horses died needlessly last week while providing entertainment for a crowd of primitive rednecks at the Calgary Stampede Show. Doug Fraser, the spokesman for this outdated barbaric event, who didn't seem to be particularly moved by these sad accounts said that heart attacks in high-performance horses are "not necessarily unusual". Another ignorant goon, Renaud Leguillette, veterinarian who is volunteering at the Stampede, says: “They're like any other athletes. These horses are built for speed by nature. They are designed to be athletic.”

First of all, contrary to Leguillette's twisted logic, they are NOT athletes and this is NOT a sport. None of the horses signed up for this nonsense voluntarily, the decision to compete was forced on them. Furthermore, I don't have to be a rodeo expert to figure out, these magnificant creatures were certainly not designed to participate in a chaotic event, such as Calgary's chuck wagon races. The self proclaimed animal lovers tie 4 - 8 horses together and made them race as fast as they can. The animals are often being pushed beyond their physical limits and suffer heart attacks, sometimes taking the whole wagon of horses with them. If the middle horse collapses while running 30 km an hour, the horses behind him don't stand a chance. Dead tall at the Stampede reaches over 50 chuck wagon horses since 1986.

Perhaps even more horrifying was a death of the horse, named Sinder Mountainthat, who bucked so hard it broke its back and had to be euthanized. The bucking is a horse's defense mechanism, they resort to when feeling fear and anxiety. I can't even imagine, how frightened the animal had to be to self inflict such a major injury.

And how many roping calves suffer broken legs at this cruel event is probably something we'll never know.

Some mentally challenged PC advocates may question my comments on the Stampede organizers (and the spectators, who actually enjoy themselves watching this animal abuse) as too strong and pejorative. But if you're waiting for my apology - don't hold your breath! I have no kind words for arrogant people who disregard their duty to treat the animals with respect and dignity. The animals depend on us for their safety and well-being and they trust us with their lives. Taking care of them is a great priviledge, which comes with even greater responsibility. Using them selfishly for profit or amusement supersedes a last shred of decency and compassion human race may still have left.

Virtually all animal welfare organizations in Canada oppose rodeo, including the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the Humane Society of Canada. Due to the undeniable cruelty, rodeos are completely banned in the U.K., Holland, and several other U.S. and European jurisdictions. It is opposed by the American SPCA, the Royal New Zealand SPCA and the Australian SPCA. In Canada, the City of Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver have banned rodeos.

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